Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy

» 15 August 2008 » In Guide, money »

Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy

Buy Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse by Peter Schiff

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It’s no secret that the US Economy is taking heavy shots, like keeping your hands low in a fight with Andre Berto. We have a trade imbalance. A Weak as Affliction shirt, US Dollar. Sky-high, rocketing debt. A national housing market in the dumps. A credit crunch with tight as my Game lending policies. Energy costs through the roof. Devastated consumer confidence. Tortoise Slow job growth. A really stupid war that is getting stupider by the minute. Pending elections.

Seems like everyone is walking around with slim pockets these days. You even see mortgage brokers, in their striped shirts, that were buying Bottle Service 9 months ago, walking off the bankruptcy floor of a chop shop law firm now. Except instead of the striped shirts, they are wearing Christian Audigier. And instead of selling mortgages, they are auditioning for wack Reality TV shows.

Anyways, there are still a lot of moves you can make that are “recession proof” and even some moves that perform better in a Down Economy.

So if you are looking to “cake up”, you have come to the right place, because I have some tricks up my high-arm-holed sleeve of my custom Neapolitan suit. We have already covered Swooping Girls in a Down Market, now here are the Top Ten G Manifesto Certified ways to make money in a Down Economy:

Import – Exports

Exports to China. We have a very weak US Dollar right now. Which means our products are Compton Swap meet-cheap for countries with strong economies like China. China is gobbling up innovative US products right now. (However, very recently, the Chinese economy is showing signs of slowing).

Bringing automatic weapons across the border to Mexico is also a profitable move. There is a War going on outside and the cartels will pay a premium for quality “Goat’s Horns” and other weapons. The increasing globalization of trade and electronic info-commerce has made it easier than ever for Arms Flippers to circumvent the national arms control systems and to exploit weak links in the very fragile international regulatory chain. I mean, who doesn’t like exploiting weak links?

Open a Taco Shop

You might think I am joking here. But with a Down Economy, comes the need for “cheap eats”. In Southern California specifically, people can’t get enough of Mex. It’s akin to Crack Rock in the 80’s. Serious, people in Southern California eat the stuff non-stop.

Buy Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse by Peter Schiff

Make Money with The Affiliate Assassin System – 100% Viral Ultimate Affiliate Program

You could also open a flip-flop store. I am being serious here again. Girls in Southern California wear tons of flip-flops. Way more than high- heels. That’s why Southern California girls seem so short. Or open a store that sells Affliction Shirts. Seems like every jerkoff can’t stop wearing Affliction these days.

I bet if you open a Taco Shop that sells flip-flops and Affliction Shirts in Southern California, you would be a millionaire in no time. People are that stupid.

Commodity trading

Commodities have been very bullish for the past 10 years. Pockets have gone from flat to fat, your humble author’s included. Commodity trading is however, by definition, risky. (Let’s keep this in perspective. Commodity trading is not as risky as say, heisting armored trucks). Personally, I embrace that risk. For the weak at heart, invest in commodity-based exchange-traded funds which can be pretty Smooth as well.

Cigarette Smuggling

Cigarette costs are ridiculous in some states. Cheaper in others (and other countries). If you can’t see the profit play here, I don’t know who can help you.


Expansion is happening in unprecedented proportions in the so-called BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and elsewhere around the world. By my estimates, there should be additional spending of $40 trillion over the next quarter-century or so. Investing in global providers of electrical-system services and components are a good solid profit play. Also, power-transmission, power-management systems and industrial-automation products and systems should help you stack mountains of chips over the next few years.


Sure it’s saturated. But show me a girl that hasn’t thought of doing porn in this Down Economy and I will show you 20 Southern California girls that already have thought of it or acted on those thoughts. And I will show you a hundred guys that are plastic ready to pony up the dough to check it out on their laptop.

Click Here to Make Money with The Shoemoney System

Less security, easier for heists

We have seen this time and time again with a rise of International Luxury Heists.

Even “note jobs” are up.

With a Down Economy comes cut backs. Fortunately for the G/ Heistman, these cut backs include security and security systems. All the better for daring heists by dashing Heistmen, Oh my Brothers.

Loan Sharking

I can’t even begin to tell you how many people have asked me for a loan since the Down Economy started. I was involved in the Shylocking Game as a younger Prototype G and I can tell you it can be very profitable. It can be really messy too, but that’s neither Super Tuscan nor Superfly.

For less risk but less juice, get in on the payday loan scams.


When we have a Down Economy, people seem to have the need to get lifted. Even more lifted than normal. (I will go into setting up a Drug Dealing Firm in a Future G Manifesto). Just keep in mind, to be a successful drug dealer concentrate on Excellent Quality, Safety and have Fast, Trustworthy distribution.

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Standover Drug Dealers

One of my personal favorites. Drug dealers by and large are scum, have lots of CASH and give up their CASH easy when you point a Desert Eagle at them. Sort of an “easy come, easy go” situation, if you will. Most drug dealers are just asking for you to Standover them. Just make sure you deal with “independent” pharmacists. Yuppie dealers and suburban dealers are your best targets.

Doing biz with the rich

This is pretty obvious. The rich always have money even in a Down Economy. It doesn’t matter if you broker deals with them, sell crap to them or heist them.

Business, in this day and age, is done in one of two ways: sell lots of crap to tons of retarded people, i.e. the masses, or sell few high-end products to a high-end clientele. (Actually, Business is done in more ways than that, but I am trying to simplify things…it’s a Blog Post for Christ’s sake). American corporations (McDonalds, Starbucks, Christian Audigier) typically focus on the former. But as Immortal Technique says:

“So if your message ain’t shit, fuck the records you sold
Cause if you go platinum, it’s got nothing to do with luck
it just means that a million people are stupid as fuck”

Concentrate your business on the latter. It will help you sleep well at night. After all, money isn’t everything.

So what do I do to make money in the Down Economy?

Do me a favor.

Buy Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse by Peter Schiff

Click Here for The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated: Expanded and Updated, With Over 100 New Pages of Cutting-Edge Content

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The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The G you should have Killed last year
AKA The Only One
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Immortal Technique – Industrial Revolution

Gangstarr- Mass Appeal

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38 Comments on "Top Ten ways to Make Money in a Down Economy"

  1. The G Manifesto
    EL MIZ
    15/08/2008 at 6:15 am Permalink

    i’m looking into opening a whole chain of taco stands, thanks for the heads up MPM, coming through as always.

  2. The G Manifesto
    Dick Goodnuts
    15/08/2008 at 3:03 pm Permalink


    The game is sold….

    I respect your pro-bono approach to nonetheless.

    One of your best writings yet. I’ve been reading since ’06.

  3. The G Manifesto
    15/08/2008 at 3:39 pm Permalink

    You must want to be a Californian (maybe even a Cali-honey-dip), believe me you would never cut it, it might look easy, and yes I find it effortless, but you try way too hard.

  4. The G Manifesto
    The G Manifesto
    15/08/2008 at 4:15 pm Permalink

    EL Miz,

    Yeah, good move.

    I really don’t think there can be a point of saturation with taco stands.

    – MPM

  5. The G Manifesto
    The G Manifesto
    15/08/2008 at 4:18 pm Permalink

    Would never want to be a “Californian”. Would never want to be local.

    International. Only.

    – MPM

  6. The G Manifesto
    15/08/2008 at 4:45 pm Permalink

    I have been reading your site as well for a few years and I have to say this is one of my favorites. Great mix of the street and international finance.

    I had never felt the need to comment before today, usually what you write stands on its own. But this one really moved me.

  7. The G Manifesto
    15/08/2008 at 6:17 pm Permalink

    China pegs the Yuan to the US Dollar, it’s part of the reason our trade deficit is growing while our economy is shrinking. Stick to taco shop management; it sounds like international finance is a bit out of your league.

  8. The G Manifesto
    15/08/2008 at 7:01 pm Permalink


    Wrong dumb dumb. The Yuan was freed from the peg back in 2005. Since then it has appreciated by more than 20% against the Dollar.

    You should probably go back to making taquitos.

  9. The G Manifesto
    15/08/2008 at 9:51 pm Permalink

    RCT – you should read the paper or watch the news more than once every 5 years.

    Great post by the way. You seem to have a real annoyance with this whole “douchebag” style.

    I do too.

  10. The G Manifesto
    John M
    18/08/2008 at 6:28 pm Permalink


    The Yuan got un-pegged back in june or july of ’05.

    Now get me a quesadilla with extra guac. Fool.

  11. The G Manifesto
    24/08/2008 at 6:44 am Permalink

    First off let me say that i love your blog a lot
    now.. back on topic lol
    I cant say that i agree with what you wrote… care to clear things up for me?

  12. The G Manifesto
    The G Manifesto
    25/08/2008 at 6:49 pm Permalink


    What do you need cleared up?

    – MPM

  13. The G Manifesto
    27/08/2008 at 7:21 am Permalink

    hi i dont no how i can enter your site but its good

  14. The G Manifesto
    The G Manifesto
    28/08/2008 at 7:54 pm Permalink



    – MPM

  15. The G Manifesto
    09/09/2008 at 3:21 pm Permalink

    I don’t what it is with all these dumbass comments.. must be the Drugs…ready for that setup shop tutorial whenever you are MPM!

    Just kidding..i’m not stupid.

    I’m a “high end to the high end” player with a porn side hustle. Keep it G!!

  16. The G Manifesto
    The G Manifesto
    09/09/2008 at 8:12 pm Permalink


    I know, right?

    I like the sound of “high end to the high end” player with a porn side hustle.

    Take care,


  17. The G Manifesto
    19/10/2008 at 5:32 pm Permalink

    what about those huge ass burritos in the barrio shops? you could feed a family of four and your pit too.

  18. The G Manifesto
    electronic cigarette
    30/10/2008 at 6:35 am Permalink

    very good post very good site keep it up

  19. The G Manifesto
    Montana James
    20/11/2008 at 9:00 pm Permalink

    MPM, I’d like to see a piece on moving stolen items when there are no fencers to be found. You can only have so many storage units… And I can only carry so many straps…

  20. The G Manifesto
    15/12/2008 at 1:59 pm Permalink

    I’m Thomas Moor, I was looking for the way how to make online investment in the net, and someday I’ve found the investment portal.
    The main point of online investment was really far from my understanding. It was something new for me, something unexplored.
    I never thought before that investment can be so easy and simple.

    I have spent much time for reading feedbacks about Stoic-Capital on boards and monitoring sites.
    And I realized – Stoic-Capital really works and makes a profit for customers. So, I have decided to put some money in. First of all, in April I put $2000 and gain approx. 2 percent daily. I mean EVERY business day. I had $40 daily 5 days a week. It’s $200 per week – not bad for beginning, and not bad for doing nothing. Money been working without my meddling in process.

    I’ve never known before and even couldn’t imagine that such slight investment can bring such sizeable profit. City banks and mutual funds surely can not give such profit consider my amount of first deposit. When I’ve got $1000 for a bit much more than a month I certainly decided that Stoic-Capital is serious project honestly paying its investors and taking care of their prosperity. So, I open another deposit. I’ve trusted so much to Stoic and I decided to deposit my savings of $25,000. I’ve just withdrawn it from my Bank of America account with their paltry percents.

    Right before putting my deposit I found out that for amounts of more than $20K Stoic-Capital offers VIP plan. It’s 2.2% – 2.8% per every business day depending on day-trading results. These results are e-mailed to investors daily. Then I contacted the support of Stoic, their live-chat, which thanks God works 24×7 online. (It’s really convenient to get advice and explanation). So, right at that time I received information about such tool named COMPOUNDING. Compounding means re-investment of gained profit back to deposit, so it brings maximum profit to the end of deposit term.

    That’s why in the middle of May I deposited last $25K of my cash and set up 100% compounding.
    In the beginning of February 2009 I will have $2,700,677.20 exactly. I calculated it using Stoic calculator.

    At the moment I’ve earned profit of approx. $4500, withdrawn and cashed it out. That means that by now my profit return has already exceeded the initial investment more than twice. And I will gain the same amount of profit again till the end of the deposit term of 190 business days (24-12-2008). Profit from the second deposit together with the deposited amount of $25K will become available for withdrawing in 190 days, in Feb 2009, just because I’ve set up the 100% compound. Let all of day profit be added to the deposit for the next day interest be accrued on the bigger amount of deposit every day.

    In May I knew about one more tremendous opportunity to make money that Stoic provides – their referral program. And I joined it to invite relatives, friends and mates to get wealthy too. Now I have 77 referrals who have already invested total amount of around $1,800,000. That brought me additionally $90K as referral fee.
    Not really bad for the beginning, is it?!

    Now I know how to make much money. I have stabile income and become wealthy man thanks to Stoic-Capital. Now I feel the illuminative way open to me. The Peace is plentiful – just get in right time in right place! That is the Stoic!
    And my mission is to expand my experience to the folks! Let people have the idea how to join the world of prosperity.
    That is the right place!
    And now it is the right time!

  21. The G Manifesto
    16/12/2008 at 3:46 pm Permalink


    nice read….here’s the thing- am sittin’ in a ‘C’ town (100K – 200K populat) after going bust on a legit deal two years back in Chi-town. Now, am tryin’ to get back in the game and accumulate some wealth quickly in any way. Findin’ it very difficult from here. Any thoughts on how one can start making moves with little in the pocket, no serious players around to network with and in this bad location? Lookin’ for some ideas that are more practical from here to get rollin’ again.

    Thanks in advance. Peace

  22. The G Manifesto
    16/12/2008 at 3:51 pm Permalink

    Just a bit more info…i’m startin’ out again with about 10 large, so it’s a small five figure amount in my money clip.

  23. The G Manifesto
    17/12/2008 at 2:22 pm Permalink


    That is an incredible return on your investment. I’m thinking I should make some movements with Stoic Capital. Based on your knowledge about Stoic, what is a relaistic return on a $5,000 start-up investment?

  24. The G Manifesto
    24/12/2008 at 4:52 pm Permalink

    I know you’re kidding right Justin? Here let me help you out:

    You have about $5000 to invest. That converts to ₦698,369 Nigerian Naira which is undoubtedly where Lagonaday and Stoic Cap are located. After the defined waiting period your initial investment of ₦698,369 Naira will be worth approximately ₦0 Naira which converts to roughly $0 US.

    Props to Lagonoday for getting his Ponzi scheme on in the down economy.

  25. The G Manifesto
    El Murid
    18/03/2009 at 9:45 am Permalink

    Our favorite G’s right on the mark. I haven’t had this much fun reading a blog in ages.

    Cash flow hustles are king, too many people are scared to get their hands dirty with basic hustles that you can leverage to pull off grander things. Get your butt out there and run your own bootleg taxi service, figure out some basic needs people have, and how to fill them cheaper than anyone else. Gray market rules, cash rules.

    Import Export is still a very viable way of making bank, IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. If you don’t then you can end up in stupid holes. You can leverage cashflow from gray-market underground cash-flow hustles and then branch off into moving goods on a wider scale.

    What nails most newbies at the International trade game is
    a)fraud and getting scammed, and
    b) not knowing the right procedures to get things done.

    If you are chasing g-d-damn Nigerian crude oil deals or sketchy crap like that you deserve to fail. But if someone’s willing to learn the game, from the ground up, grassroots, start to finish – and you have some contacts, connections, the ability to sense opportunities, you can pull off something.

    What can you hustle in exports ? Wine, tires, scrap metal, scrap plastic, basic things people need that there remains a market in.

    Check out

  26. The G Manifesto
    29/03/2009 at 11:46 pm Permalink

    I have a question for you G Manifesto

  27. The G Manifesto
    The G Manifesto
    30/03/2009 at 4:42 pm Permalink


    Enough with the suspense.

    Ask away. Or email me thegmanifesto at yahoo dot com

    – MPM

  28. The G Manifesto
    fake watches
    25/06/2009 at 2:45 am Permalink

    I read the schiff book years ago, I see what he said would happen IS happening and it started with the bailouts 4 years after I read his book. the other book looks a little interesting but a little more weird than the first.

    On combining the tacos with the shirts and flip flops that is pretty genius. I even had a friend that said to add a nail salon in there and a little mini bar where you could order drinks all at the same spot.

  29. The G Manifesto
    29/11/2009 at 6:28 pm Permalink

    Don’t forget to sell Ed Hardy merchandise in the taco shop for an extra quarter mil.

  30. The G Manifesto
    john alberts
    09/12/2009 at 9:05 pm Permalink

    Wow after 1 hour of looking I finally find what im looking for on your site, thanks!

  31. The G Manifesto
    10/12/2009 at 7:46 pm Permalink

    Thanks for explaining. Your writing reminds me of what Nick shows in his book. If you have not read his ebook yet here is a free link at

  32. The G Manifesto
    25/12/2009 at 2:55 am Permalink

    Thanks for the information.

  33. The G Manifesto
    Miguel Weatherholt
    27/04/2010 at 12:40 am Permalink

    I always enjoy reading spot on articles by an individual who is obviously up to snuff on their chosen subject. I’ll be following this thread with much interest. Keep up the great work, I will be back. More money posts please G man.

  34. The G Manifesto
    12/11/2010 at 9:06 am Permalink

    They might be pre-sold but it seems no civilian business is buying them or offering them for sale. Heads Up…

  35. The G Manifesto
    22/03/2011 at 9:27 am Permalink


    It’s already 3 years old, but was it a bit of tongue-and-cheek?

    Some, if not most, are downright unethical and even illegal, and can get you in serious trouble. Sure, the identification of the “demands” are impeccable, but pulling them off, for many options listed, would make you (borderline) criminal, or at the best a little shady.

    Then again, there are many ways to skin a cat…

    “sell lots of crap to tons of retarded people”: personally, I would stick to this one, as I always have. for a number of reasons.

    1. Sure, it takes a heck a lot of effort to establish a business of this kind, but the reward is fabulous. Have you ever been to WalMart or McDonalds? They sell absolute junks, yet people flock to buy the junks! They orgasm just thinking about spending money on those junks!

    2. The world is full of retarded people and you’ll never run out of fresh supply. Chances are, with each baby born has a 95+% chance of turning out one of those retarded people. Now, as a businessman, you can’t miss on that kind of potential and promise. The mass is the wealthy’s wallet: Never forget this fact, never, and never cease to harness and exploit that fact.

    3. It is immensely intoxicating to have ‘power’ over the mass and control them. Why not go for a piece of the ownership of the mass? You’ll keep that ownership for generations. The biggest investment that keeps on growing is the mass–none else–and you can cash in day-in-day-out.

    The mass: the biggest wallet there ever were and ever will be. Not even a vagina that’s as big as the Lincoln Tunnel isn’t as big as that wallet.

  36. The G Manifesto
    Bruno Babic
    30/10/2012 at 8:05 pm Permalink

    Well, these are all options.

    Anyway, since I have been studying through internet marketing for the last 7 years, I can confidently tell you that making money online could be your best choice.

    Think about it. All you need is a web hosting, domain name and a piece of software called autoresponder that’s designed for easily automating the process of capturing your website’s subscribers’ names and email addresses.

    The next thing you do is quite simply you turn these subscribers into your customers. By the way, the internet marketing is a skill like any other skill that you can think of. And, the beauty of mastering the skill of internet marketing is that once you’ve learned it you can easily earn tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.

    I know many folks are still very skeptical about making money online. And, I was very skeptical too. But over the years, precisely since 2005 up until today, I have met quite a few well known internet millionaires who revealed their secrets of how they’ve made it.

    All I would say to you is that “you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain” with the making money online game. Wow, I’ve even hit the rhyme here although I haven’t intended to. 🙂

    To your wealthy success!



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