Rush Limbaugh calls Rahm Emanuel a Chicago Thug

» 06 November 2008 » In Guide, People »

Rush Limbaugh calls Rahm Emanuel a Chicago Thug

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Rush Limbaugh had this to say about Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel:

Also, this notion of governing from the center? His first appointment, his chief of staff is Rahm Emanuel. Do we know if Emanuel has accepted? Rahm Emanuel wants to be Speaker of the House. Let me tell you a little bit about Rahm Emanuel. Hillary Clinton hates him. In the White House, Rahm Emanuel pushed NAFTA and made that go first instead of her health care baby, and her health care baby suffered. There’s no love lost between Rahm Emanuel and Hillary Clinton, and he is good a old-fashioned Chicago thug just like Obama is a good old-fashioned Chicago thug. On the night of the Clinton election, Rahm Emanuel was so angry at the president’s enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign; Rahm Emanuel grabbed a steak knife and he began rattling off a list of betrayers.

As he listed their names, he shouted, “Dead! Dead! Dead!” and he plunged the steak knife into the table after every name.

Great choice from Obama for Chief of Staff. Political G.

Coming from someone who’s father and Grandfather were Chicago Thugs. Southside, by way of Belfast.

The Rest Really is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
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13 Comments on "Rush Limbaugh calls Rahm Emanuel a Chicago Thug"

  1. The G Manifesto
    09/11/2008 at 4:40 pm Permalink

    Limbaugh is a white racist crackhead.A Harvard graduate and state senator,a thug.General Lee and Adolf Hitler must be rolling in their graves.A black president…Good Lawd!!What iz weez gonna do???

  2. The G Manifesto
    The Anti Rush
    10/11/2008 at 9:43 am Permalink

    Rush Limbaugh is nothing more than a thug himself. This from a man who bought his illegal drugs in dark corners of the world from ACTUAL THUGS! His drug use caused his hearing loss…lucky for him he had enough money to get a cochlear implant. Now he can hear the hot air escape from the bag of wind he truly is.

  3. The G Manifesto
    A New York "Thug"
    10/11/2008 at 9:44 am Permalink

    This is going to come back and end rush limbaugh’s career. Obama has captured THE WORLD’S attention, not just this country. This is akin to Malcolm X talking about kennedy….watch Rush just…….poof…………disappear

  4. The G Manifesto
    10/11/2008 at 10:34 am Permalink

    So quick to judge Rush when it was the first black president, Bill Clinton, who called The Messiah a thug.

    Please educate yourself:

  5. The G Manifesto
    10/11/2008 at 10:36 am Permalink

    Typical of democrats….did not take time out to educate themselves before opening their mouths.

    Ignorance is not an excuse.

    90% of blacks voted for Obama. Who is racist?

  6. The G Manifesto
    10/11/2008 at 10:57 am Permalink

    if these guys are “thugs” I’m considered a real high class “b*tch”…honestly you gotta truly piss people off to get your point across and yeah some prissy close minded idiot is gonna call you a “thug” yet sometimes the tactics taken are at point considered bully…but hey isn’t America a bully in its own right……….i mean we do issue our brand of threat for our own personal benefit….??????
    come on rush your own propaganda is threatening in an almost bully way to get your point across to those weak minded idiots….

  7. The G Manifesto
    10/11/2008 at 11:44 am Permalink

    Second that Maxine.

  8. The G Manifesto
    Stan Webb
    10/11/2008 at 1:40 pm Permalink

    Welcome to the Obamanation Day 6. GOD HELP US!

  9. The G Manifesto
    Wolf Schmitt
    10/11/2008 at 2:43 pm Permalink

    Rush Limbaugh is a bully in his own right. Listen to him spew hatred
    about anyone that opposes his republican agenda. Healso appears to be
    a racist and we know that he is a sore loser. Obama won fair and square
    so lets rally behind him to fix our country not continue to be devisive.
    Rush really needs NA, lots of therapy and to grow up!

  10. The G Manifesto
    10/11/2008 at 4:39 pm Permalink

    You know, I came to expect all this crap during the presidential elections. McInsane and Fail’in Palin started the name bashing with the “he’s [Obama’s] a terrorist, socialist—un-American” garbage. But for someone to now call the President-Elect a thug, the man voted in by the majority of the people–that’s absolutely un-American! Just goes to show that I was right in my description of Rush Limbaugh: a fat, disgusting pig with a big mouth, no brains, and an anatomy the size of a peanut.

  11. The G Manifesto
    Rob stationed in Oki
    10/11/2008 at 6:01 pm Permalink

    Hearing this blowhard talk about our next president and who he picks as his chief of staff just goes to show how bitter the right wing or our country is at losing the election. Is this guy still being taken for real? I find it hard to believe even the hard core conservatives take him seriously anymore. Mr. Limbaugh isn’t there a crack pipe waiting for you at home?

  12. The G Manifesto
    10/11/2008 at 6:10 pm Permalink


    Maybe you should educate yourself. According to the article you referenced “Obama has the political instincts of “a Chicago thug,” one longtime associate said. We don’t know if Clinton actually made the comment and there is a difference between saying someone has instincts of a thug and calling someone a thug.

    To suggest 90% of black people are racist because they voted for Obama would also mean 90% of the white people that voted for McCain are racists also. That would mean the only non bias people in America are the whites that voted for Obama and the blacks that voted for McCain.

  13. The G Manifesto
    13/11/2008 at 10:33 pm Permalink

    Thank god we’ve got some Democrat thugs in office. Our country is in tatters, now is no time for pussyfooting around. These motherfuckers must be exterminated.

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