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A Subtle Way To Prevent Girls From Falling Too Hard For You

» 02 January 2012 » In Game, Girls, Nightlife, Style, Travel » 11 Comments

A Subtle Way To Prevent Girls From Falling Too Hard For You

In the past, we covered How to Un-Pick up Girls. (Mad Innovative and futuristic. Even most “top” players will only start incorporating those moves in 5-7 years).

Here is a move straight out of The Chambers of The G Manifesto to prevent girls from falling too hard for you:

If you are anything like me and you travel the world, do a lot of “math”, and accomplish it all while Custom Suited Down, you are going to have girls fall for you. And fall hard.

One way to stop this from happening is to tell girls after you swoop them, that you “hate” celebrating holidays.

You see, girls are completely brainwashed by society and “love” holidays.

Ever met a girl that didn’t absolutely love the holidays? Yeah, me neither. They don’t exist.

Telling a girl that you “hate” holidays is somewhat like telling a little kid that the Easter Bunny isn’t real; it blows their whole foundation up.

After the shock waves settle, girls start viewing you as “not relationship material”, which is exactly what you want them to think.

And let’s face it, American Holidays are weesh.

Lets’ break a few of them down:

New Year’s Day/Eve – If you really want to party, you don’t need society to tell you when. And it’s better to do it on a day when every dork is partying and The Police State is in full force. New Years Eve very well could be the only night of the year where I won’t go out at night.

Thanksgiving Day – I like turkey as much as the next cat, and I love mashed potatoes like any good half Irish kid does, but I can have a big meal with my family anytime.

Christmas Day – If you really want to give a gift to someone, you can do it August 1st. Or March 12th. Or…you get the broken picture.

April Fool’s Day – Kind of funny. Also, kind of tired.

Chinese New Year – Maybe would be smooth if you were in Hong Kong or Macau or somewhere. In America? Weesh.

Cinco de Mayo – Phony holiday created by the beer companies. And I can’t stand Tequila (drank a whole bottle to the brain as a kid and I still can’t even smell the stuff). I will pass like Jim McMahon.

Halloween – If you are a “Monster” like Cody, everyday is Halloween.

Mardi Gras and Ash WednesdayNot too bad, but I would never do again. (And it wasn’t my choice to do it the time I did).

Mother’s DayI do celebrate this one.

St. Patrick’s Day – Green beer? Come on. And this is from someone who’s Father was born in Northern Ireland. Belfast.

Valentine’s Day – Might be the worst of the bunch.

Any questions?

This all being said, I do dig holidays in foreign countries. I love the week-long Spanish Festivals in Summertime. However, America is such a Police State that outside of Mardi Gras, we don’t have any week-long, all-night party holidays.

And I do enjoy Bastille Day.

Hell, the more I think about it, I love Bastille Day; surfing a beach break during the day, picking up on topless girls at the beach and then an all night party with E-Tabs and fireworks?

Count me in.

What do we have to do to get a beach/beautiful topless girls/Bean holiday cooking in America?

Click Here for Roosh’s Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day

Click Here for The G Manifesto’s Free Gentleman’s Club Report

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life


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