Pure Game VS Tricking

» 28 October 2009 » In Game, Girls »

Pure Game VS Tricking

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Just like there are two main groups in Nightworld these days (Hipsters and Douchebags), there are two polar opposite Game Styles: Pure Game and Tricking.

Pure Game is advocated by much of the Pick Up Artist World. Basically, it’s the theory that you should never spend money on girls (or extremely small amounts) and purely use Game.

Tricking is mostly what you see douchebag types doing in Bottle Service joints and chumps that go to shopping malls with girls. Basically, it’s emptying out your wallet to swoop girls. Las Vegas would be epicenter of this steez, if there was one. But you see this stilo heavily in all the “Sand States”.

Although I have my doubts with many guys that claim they strictly use Pure Game, Roosh would be a great example of a cat that successfully uses this technique. Many characters claim Pure Game to make you think their Game is strong when they are actually Tricking.

Bottom line is, both techniques help swoop you fly girls.

Where do I fall in?


I tend to use elements of both.

When I was a younger up and coming Prototype G, I mostly relied on Pure Game. So my Game has strong foundations. And I have liquid scratch. In fact, the money under my mattress right now is making my bed touch the ceiling.

But do I give girls CASH, buy Bottle Service and take girls shopping? No shot. I ain’t the one.

I am the type of G that if I ever get caught slipping and dating a girl on her Birthday, I bust out the water colors and give her my best rendition of a Miró for a present:

I dress too sharp in Custom Suits to go strictly Pure Game these days. So I throw out the carrot of Tricking, and make girls think I will take them to a far off Island like Gilligan.

But come morning time, no bags are getting packed. So you could say I “Cinderella girls” from nothing to something.

My Game is mostly “young-dashing-handsome-mysterious-false grinning-soft spoken-with a wild side-well dressed-millionaire by somewhat shady means” type vibe that thankfully, fly girls are known to react positively to.

Hell, these days I am so International and French Riviera that even fly white girls are calling me “Loera”. (As in Joaquín Guzmán)

Click Here for A Dead Bat in Paraguay

The Rest is Up to You…

Michael Porfirio Mason
AKA The Peoples Champ
AKA The Sly, Slick and the Wicked
AKA The Voodoo Child
The Guide to Getting More out of Life

Shalamar Make That Move 1980

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10 Comments on "Pure Game VS Tricking"

  1. The G Manifesto
    28/10/2009 at 9:11 pm Permalink

    The other day I had someone tell me to try and pickup a girl without my IPhone and expensive clothes (in Argentina it means more.) If I can afford it and I like it, why not? Tricking a girl will eventually lose her to the cat with pure game, but pure gaming a girl will lose her to the guy with both Game and Scratch. Got to make that money and work your game, cover all your bases.

  2. The G Manifesto
    Justin H
    28/10/2009 at 9:24 pm Permalink

    Yooo. MPM,
    I had to LOL at this line “young-dashing-handsome-mysterious-false grinning-soft spoken-with a wild side-well dressed-millionaire by somewhat shady means”
    One of the best lines I’ve come across yet. I’m all for pure game. Women tend to expect chairty in exchange for beauty but..there’s always a time and a place for that..as rare as it may be.
    Like I said, if you have any old suits you know, considering your extensive wardrbe, I accept G-certified hand-me-downs haha. I have the address if you’ve got the donation 😉

  3. The G Manifesto
    29/10/2009 at 12:40 am Permalink

    Love the Clipse references to “Trill” and “When the Last Time.”

  4. The G Manifesto
    29/10/2009 at 10:36 am Permalink

    It not hard to see thru these phony macks and wannabe players….just looking at the way they walk , talk , and dress you can spot the real from the fake…..

    real recognizes real
    real recognizes fake
    fake reconnizes nothing

    “I don’t expect a fake dude to feel this” (cormega)

  5. The G Manifesto
    Mr. Crown
    29/10/2009 at 2:37 pm Permalink

    I prefer a hybrid much like the one used by Frank Sinatra, a delicate balance of pure game, coupled with the added attraction the comes with being a man of means . However, I second the comment about no cash and/or things like bottle service. If one uses bottle service in any situation your credibility suffers imo.

  6. The G Manifesto
    29/10/2009 at 7:31 pm Permalink

    Been a minute.

    Peeped a couple fights at the Washington Convention Center lookout for a young heavyweight named Seth Mitchell. He just jumped on with Golden Boy.


  7. The G Manifesto
    29/10/2009 at 11:02 pm Permalink

    Blowing cash on a woman is a chump move. You blow your cash on yourself and your click. Girls may be along for the ride but they must recognize they’re peripheral, not the reason for the generosity. Flashing cash and appearing affluent and even altruistic is beneficial, but you just let them smell the bread. Treating your homeboys sends all the right signals. You have cash to burn and your generous. The girls will think if they just work it a little harder they’ll get into the inner circle and get hold of your credit card. This must never happen however. You have to keep them off balance and intrigued and reaching for it. Hot girls are hopelessly arrogant. They’ll think their golden vag will be just the ticket to tame you no matter how many countless bitches have failed before. The only partial exception is a long-term wife/girlfriend and you always want to keep it modest but stylish and have a good reason, birthday or Christmas only. Valentines day doesn’t count, shouldn’t even exist. The target is to come in just below their expectations, again to keep them reaching for the golden ring and only with the downest of bitches.

  8. The G Manifesto
    29/10/2009 at 11:03 pm Permalink

    Cash to burn and you’re generous that is.

  9. The G Manifesto
    Prototype G
    31/10/2009 at 2:17 pm Permalink

    G Man,

    Have you ever heard this song? Its hotter than Miley Cyrus spread eagle in the presidential suite.


    “Shes wearin’ a yellow pink thong,
    She got her weddin’ ring on,
    But still it never seems wrong…”

  10. The G Manifesto
    The G Manifesto
    02/11/2009 at 6:29 pm Permalink


    I love that track.

    – MPM

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